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My art ranges from large-scale abstract expressionist works to smaller impressionistic pieces. I utilize a variety of mediums and experiment with a hodgepodge of tools, from mammoth paintbrushes to honey drippers to an array of palette knives. My studies with widely-known painters such as Mark Chatov, Kim English, and Milt Kobayashi have grounded me technically and influenced the path of my work. Though I'm inspired by many artists, both bygone and contemporary, my late artist mother is my ever-present muse.

My studio is akin to a Jackson Pollock crime scene, with floor, walls (even the ceiling!) splattered with multicolored paint spills, splashes and dribbles. Music and rhythm figure into my work, so a constant stream is always playing, ranging from classical to blues to disco—with a lot of Guns N’ Roses in between. My two dogs, Olive and Izzy, enter at their leisure, and often plod out more colorful than they arrived.